Jung brings label printing in-house with Epson

Jung, the German switch, plug and home technology manufacturer, wanted to make in-house label printing faster, more flexible and more efficient. Epson's ColorWorks label printers helped them achieve this aim.
Jung is a modern and innovative family company, making switches, plugs and home technology, and whoever works at Jung becomes a member of that family. Frank Ehrenthal, Factory Manager, explains, “Jung was founded in 1912 by the designer Albrecht Jung. Today, Jung is a world-renowned business and a major player in all things switches, plugs and home technology. We have a great variety of products divided into different series.”
Each series of Jung’s switches and plugs has a different design, and products are labelled in different colours so that contractors at the construction sites can identify each product by its coloured label. Jung outsources the labels for big orders to external printers, producing labels for small orders in-house. The company used to produce these labels with a colour thermo-transfer printer. The disadvantage of that process was that it was expensive and limited in flexibility.
Epson flexibility wins benchmark testsNina Rodrigues, Technical Training manager at Jung, explains, "We did an evaluation to compare different label printer manufacturers to find a better solution, and ultimately chose through a benchmark process to go with Epson. We now use two different Epson printers, the ColorWorks C7500 and the ColorWorks C3500. What we like about the C3500 is the flexibility it offers us. It allows us to print the exact amount of labels we need for each order."
High volume and high speed"We started to print more and more in-house, and we took into consideration what other products Epson had to offer and what was new on the market," continues Rodrigues. "That’s how we found the C7500, which offers us the right quality and speed when printing a high volume of labels. And that’s why we chose this solution. We now print around 5,000 labels per day with the C7500."
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Key facts
- Jung evaluated a variety of different label printers and found the Epson C3500 and C7500 fitted their requirements The C3500 has the flexibility to allow Jung to print exactly the number of labels it needs, quickly and efficiently For high volume jobs, Jung uses the C7500 to print around 5,000 labels per day