Online calculator works out how much consumers can save with Epson’s Ink Tank System printers

With Epson’s online calculator, it’s easy for consumers and small businesses to see how much they could save by comparing the top 20 best-selling printers against Epson’s Ink Tank System (ITS) printers, to find out which is the most economical for their printing needs.

When considering a new printer purchase, Epson’s online calculator helps people understand the total cost of ownership by examining both the upfront cost of a printer and its running costs related to ink, so that they can make an informed decision.

Epson’s revolutionary ITS printers have presented a new proposition where users can benefit from low running costs by investing in a printer that comes with two years’ worth of ink included in the box[1]. Kseniya Gordeeva, product manager, Epson Europe, says, “We’re passionate about how much money potential customers can save with our ITS printers, so we’ve developed this online calculator to prove it to them. We’ve already shown that the Ink Tank System is a fantastic concept with cumulative global sales of 15 million units[2]. With this tool, customers will be able to more fully appreciate the savings it can offer them.”

The easy-to-use online calculator has just three steps. Visitors to the site simply need to tell the calculator how many pages they print on average per month, how long they intend to use the printer, and whether they typically use XL cartridges. With this information, it can compare an ITS printer against a specific top 20 best-selling laser or inkjet printer, available in the user’s region. The results are presented clearly with a total cost of ownership, cost per page and cost per 500 pages. In each test, it also compares both specified models against a market average model, for even greater clarity.

To ensure that visitors to the website are confident in the fairness of the calculator, there’s a full breakdown available on the website explaining the methodology behind the calculations.
Epson’s new calculator is available here:



Notes to Editor

About Epson

Epson is a global technology leader dedicated to connecting people, things and information with its original efficient, compact and precision technologies. With a lineup that ranges from inkjet printers and digital printing systems to 3LCD projectors, smart glasses, sensing systems and industrial robots, the company is focused on driving innovations and exceeding customer expectations in inkjet, visual communications, wearables and robotics.

Led by the Japan-based Seiko Epson Corporation, the Epson Group comprises more than 73,000 employees in 91 companies around the world, and is proud of its contributions to the communities in which it operates and its ongoing efforts to reduce environmental impacts.

About Epson Europe

Epson Europe B.V., based in Amsterdam, is the Group’s regional headquarters for Europe, Middle-East, Russia, and Africa. With a workforce of 1,700 employees, Epson Europe’s sales for fiscal year 2015 were 1,577 million Euros.

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[1] 2 years' of ink based upon user’s average monthly print volume (IDC WW Page Volume Program, 2015)

[2] 150 countries between October 2010 and the financial year of 2015

Author profile

Renáta Dihlová

Epson Europe B.V.

Author profile

Zlatica Baltazarovičová

Bison & Rose, PR Executive

O spoločnosti Epson

Spoločnosť Epson je globálny technologický líder spájajúci ľudí, veci a informácie vďaka originálnym a presným technológiám v kompaktných rozmeroch. Ponuka produktov spoločnosti Epson pozostáva z atramentových tlačiarní a digitálnych tlačových systémov, projektorov 3LCD, hodiniek či priemyselných robotov. Spoločnosť Epson sa snaží prinašať inovácie a prekonávať očakávania zákazníkov v oblasti atramentovej tlače, vizuálnej komunikácie, nositeľného príslušenstva a robotiky.

Skupina Epson, vedená spoločnosťou Seiko Epson Corporation so sídlom v Japonsku, zamestnáva viac ako 81 000 ľudí v 85 spoločnostiach po celom svete a je hrdá na svoj prínos komunitám, v ktorých pôsobí, a na svoje trvalé snahy o zníženie dopadu na životné prostredie.

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