Epson launches proofing, photography and fine art printer with outstanding colour accuracy

1 December 2016 – Epson announces the launch of the SureColor SC-P5000 17-inch printer. Designed for proofing, fine art and photography applications, the SC-P5000 can be selected with a violet or LLK inkset, and can achieve near-perfect colour matching of up to 99% of Pantone Solid Coated Colours1.

The SureColor SC-P5000 has been designed to replace the popular Stylus Pro 4900 and to complete the SureColor range with HDX ink, which also includes the SC-P7000 (24-inch) and SC-P9000 (44-inch). It’s available in two options, one with an inkset including violet for pre-press proofing by advertisers, manufacturers and designers, to ensure accurate packaging, marketing materials and corporate colours; the other features an LLK inkset, and is aimed at professional photographers and fine artists who wish to reproduce the detail, colours and contrast of their original artwork perfectly.

Boris Creischer, product manager, Epson Europe, says, “It doesn’t matter whether users are product designers, artists or photographers, they all want one thing – colour accuracy. With the new SC-P5000, colours are so precise that you can print in complete confidence, knowing the exact colour you want will be perfectly reproduced in the finished print. And you don’t even need to be an expert to get these results – the SC-P5000 is extremely simple to set up and use, and offers outstanding reliability.”

The SC-P5000 has an array of newly developed or enhanced features to ensure reliable day-to-day operation and minimise maintenance. These include new covers and seals to limit dust intrusion, an improved automatic nozzle check, and a guided cleaning procedure.

Colour accuracy is matched only by print quality in the SC-P5000, which uses Epson’s advanced printhead technology to make high-resolution, long-lasting prints. 3.5pl droplet size and 2880x1440dpi resolution ensure crisp, detailed results, while Ultrachrome HDX inks offer much improved lightfastness. The SC-P5000 fits seamlessly into any proofing workflow, and is capable of automated proof checking with the SpectroProofer installed. The new printer is supported by all major RIP and software vendors.


Key features:

  • First and only 17" large format printer with violet ink for proofing purposes
  • Also available in LLK ink configuration1 for fine art and pro-photography
  • Both variants can be supplied with or without SpectroProofer
  • SpectroProofer has an ILS30 spectrometer, enabling an automatic proofing workflow that meets the current M1 standard
  • Auto nozzle check (NVT) to prevent clogging
  • Enhanced user interface panel with integrated guides
  • Improved light-fastness of inks gives for an extra 15 years' stability2
  • New yellow ink formulation with increased particle size for higher lightfastness
  • New covers, seals and anti-static cloths to reduce dust intrusion
  • High 2880x1440dpi resolution
  • Timer cleaning (TCL) to automate cleaning process
  • Static electricity prevention on media and platen to prevent banding
  • Internal colour calibrator (Ink Mark Sensor IMS) to align output between different EPSON SC-P Series models and prevent age and environmental colour deviation
  • Simple media switching between roll and sheet media
  • Easy media handling with step by step guide on Colour LCD panel
  • Can print from paper cassette, or on roll paper, single sheet or fine art paper
  • Larger ink cartridge volume (200ml) and smaller ink drop size (3.5pl) than competing products
  • Smaller footprint than equivalent printers


1. When using violet inkset. 98% accuracy can be achieved using LLK inkset. Tested using Epson white semi-matte proofing paper.

2. In comparison with Stylus Pro 4900 (60 years instead of 45).


Notes to Editor

About Epson

Epson is a global technology leader dedicated to connecting people, things and information with its original efficient, compact and precision technologies. With a lineup that ranges from inkjet printers and digital printing systems to 3LCD projectors, smart glasses, sensing systems and industrial robots, the company is focused on driving innovations and exceeding customer expectations in inkjet, visual communications, wearables and robotics.

Led by the Japan-based Seiko Epson Corporation, the Epson Group comprises more than 73,000 employees in 91 companies around the world, and is proud of its contributions to the communities in which it operates and its ongoing efforts to reduce environmental impacts.

About Epson Europe

Epson Europe B.V., based in Amsterdam, is the Group’s regional headquarters for Europe, Middle-East, Russia, and Africa. With a workforce of 1,700 employees, Epson Europe’s sales for fiscal year 2015 were 1,577 million Euros.

Environmental Vision 2050



Author profile

Renáta Dihlová

Epson Europe B.V.

Author profile

Zlatica Baltazarovičová

Bison & Rose, PR Executive

O spoločnosti Epson

Spoločnosť Epson je globálny technologický líder spájajúci ľudí, veci a informácie vďaka originálnym a presným technológiám v kompaktných rozmeroch. Ponuka produktov spoločnosti Epson pozostáva z atramentových tlačiarní a digitálnych tlačových systémov, projektorov 3LCD, hodiniek či priemyselných robotov. Spoločnosť Epson sa snaží prinašať inovácie a prekonávať očakávania zákazníkov v oblasti atramentovej tlače, vizuálnej komunikácie, nositeľného príslušenstva a robotiky.

Skupina Epson, vedená spoločnosťou Seiko Epson Corporation so sídlom v Japonsku, zamestnáva viac ako 81 000 ľudí v 85 spoločnostiach po celom svete a je hrdá na svoj prínos komunitám, v ktorých pôsobí, a na svoje trvalé snahy o zníženie dopadu na životné prostredie.

Informácie o článku

SureColor SC-P5000


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