Epson Recognised as a Leader in Quocirca’s 2024 Sustainability Vendor Landscape Assessment

Epson Recognised as a Leader in Quocirca’s 2024 Sustainability Vendor Landscape Assessment

Global technology firm, Epson, has been recognised as a leader in Quocirca’s 2024 Sustainability Vendor Landscape assessment, reflecting Epson's continuous efforts in carbon reduction and its uncompromising commitment to environmentally sustainable practices.

Quocirca’s assessment highlights a number of significant achievements, as follows:

  • In the fiscal year 2023, Epson proudly announced a reduction in Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by an impressive 50.3%. While Scope 3 emissions saw a modest increase of 1.1%, the overall trajectory towards sustainability remains robust.
  • A landmark achievement for Epson came in December 2023, when the company transitioned all its global operations to 100% renewable electricity. This milestone marked Epson as the first Japanese manufacturer to reach 100% renewable electricity, setting a benchmark for the industry and demonstrating its leadership in sustainability.
  • In recognition of its environmental efforts, Epson received a Platinum rating from EcoVadis in October 2024, ascending from its previous Gold status in 2023. This accolade underscores Epson’s sustained commitment to environmental excellence.

The Quocirca report states that:

  • Epson has set ambitious environmental targets, aiming for a 34% reduction in direct emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) and a 44% reduction in indirect emissions (Scope 3, categories 1 and 11) by 2025. Through its Environmental Vision 2050, Epson is dedicated to becoming carbon-negative and underground resource-free by 2050. This vision is supported by a strategic 100 billion yen, 10-year investment in environmental technologies, extending beyond traditional industry boundaries to embrace decarbonisation and carbon capture initiatives.
  • Epson’s well-established Heat-Free and EcoTank print technologies lead in energy efficiency, reducing waste and environmental impact. By offering cartridge-free EcoTank printers and Replaceable Ink Pack System (RIPS) printers, Epson has sold over 100 million EcoTank printers globally, significantly reducing plastic waste.
  • The company’s commitment to circularity using recycled materials is evident across its product range. Its initiative to extend product lifecycles through reparability and longer device longevity is supported by extended warranties and the Back2Life product lifecycle extension programme. Epson’s investment in extensive recycling systems and its growing refurbishment and resale programme further reinforce its commitment to a circular economy.
  • Epson continues to innovate with its refreshed PaperLab offering, showcasing its dry-fibre paper technology that conserves water resources by using a virtually dry process to recycle waste paper. The new A-8100 PaperLab Refresh Model further integrates environmental monitoring capabilities, positioning Epson as a key player in the circular economy office space.
  • Epson's Optimisation Tool empowers resellers to illustrate the emissions reduction potential when switching to Epson’s Heat-Free models, thereby promoting energy efficiency and sustainability across its channel base.

Boris Manev, Director for Sustainability and Corporate Governance for Epson Europe, commented, "This recognition from leading analyst Quocirca affirms our ongoing commitment to sustainability and demonstrates the positive impact of our comprehensive approach to reducing our environmental footprint. At Epson, we remain focused on innovative solutions that drive efficiency and sustainability, not just within our company but in setting an example of best practice across our industry as a whole."

Author profile

Dragusin Puiu

Marketing Coordinator, Epson Romania

Despre Epson

Epson este un lider global în tehnologie, dedicat conectării oamenilor, lucrurilor şi informaţiilor, prin intermediul tehnologiilor sale originale eficiente, compacte şi precise. Având o gamă de produse care cuprinde de la imprimante cu jet de cerneală şi sisteme de imprimare digitală până la proiectoare 3LCD, ceasuri şi roboţi industriali, compania se concentrează asupra stimulării inovaţiilor şi depăşirii aşteptărilor clienţilor în ceea ce priveşte imprimantele cu jet de cerneală, comunicarea vizuală, echipamentele portabile şi robotica.

Condus de Seiko Epson Corporation din Japonia, Grupul Epson are peste 81.000 de angajaţi în 85 de companii din întreaga lume şi se mândreşte cu contribuţiile aduse comunităţilor în care îşi desfăşoară activitatea şi cu eforturile permanente de a reduce impactul asupra mediului.

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