Epson Partners with SUSS to Integrate PrecisionCore Printhead Technology to Print Functional materials

Epson Partners with SUSS to Integrate PrecisionCore Printhead Technology to Print Functional materials
Seiko Epson Corporation (Epson), a leader in advanced printhead solutions, announces its collaboration with SUSS MicroTec SE (SUSS), a leading manufacturer of system and process solutions for the semiconductor and printed electronics industries. As part of this partnership, SUSS will adopt the Epson PrecisionCore printhead technology (I3200 Series) in its flagship desktop R&D printer, the LP50. This development aims to enhance research and development capabilities in inkjet processes, applications, and materials.
A notable installation will take place at the Epson Europe B.V. Marly Branch, located in Marly, Switzerland. The Marly Branch is designed as a collaborative facility, inviting visitors from the industry to engage in joint testing with Epson specialists.
The decision to utilise Epson technology stems from its exceptional print quality, attributed to the PrecisionCore technology that allows for a maximum of eight inks to be tested simultaneously within the same printhead. Furthermore, the printhead demonstrates high chemical compatibility, enabling researchers to maximise the development of fluid and print processes effectively.
The LP50 printer, widely recognised for its innovative design and versatility, will significantly benefit from the integration of Epson’s cutting-edge PrecisionCore printhead technology, ensuring improved performance in inkjet printing. The LP50 is instrumental for researchers focused on the evaluation and development of inkjet materials used in various applications within the electronics sector.
In conjunction with this technological upgrade, SUSS and Epson will collaborate to introduce comprehensive “Application Kits” over time, featuring newly developed and tested processes and materials from Epson’s inkjet innovation laboratory in Japan. This initiative underscores the commitment of both companies to advancing the printed electronics industry through innovative solutions.
The upgraded LP50, featuring Epson's PrecisionCore printhead technology, is set to be unveiled in the first half of 2025. Existing LP50 customers will have the opportunity to enhance their devices by upgrading to Epson technology via a print unit purchase.
“Collaborating with Epson represents a significant advancement in our R&D efforts,” commented Robert Wanninger, Senior Vice President of SUSS. “Integrating Epson’s PrecisionCore printhead technology into our LP50 will not only enhance our capabilities but also provide our customers with state-of-the-art tools to push the boundaries of printed electronics. Together, we are dedicated to fostering innovation and excellence in this evolving market.”
“By partnering with SUSS, we are extending the reach of our PrecisionCore technology into the printing functional materials beyond colour such as Printed Electronics, where innovation is paramount,” said Shunya Fukuda, chief operating officer of Epson's IJS Operations Division, “Our proprietary printhead technology will empower SUSS’s LP50 to deliver unprecedented performance and reliability, ultimately supporting the development of future-focused inkjet applications.”
The collaboration between SUSS and Epson marks a significant step forward in the evolution of printed electronics, demonstrating both companies' commitment to delivering superior solutions within the industry. For further information regarding the integration of Epson’s printhead technology into SUSS product line, please visit
About Epson PrecisionCore Technology
PrecisionCore printhead technology is a core inkjet printing technology created by merging technologies Epson has built up over many years with dramatically advanced key component technologies and high-precision MEMS fabrication processes. The technology achieves faster printing in higher quality in a variety of applications, starting from office printing to high-volume commercial and industrial printing that demand speed.
It also has the potential to expand beyond simple printing on paper into a wide range of fields, including electronics and bioprinting. Epson will drive the creation of new markets and contribute to social sustainability by working with partners who have all types of services and ideas through open innovation.
For more information, please visit
About SUSS
SUSS is a leading supplier of equipment and process solutions for microstructuring in the semiconductor industry and related markets. In close cooperation with research institutes and industry partners SUSS contributes to the advancement of next-generation technologies such as 3D Integration, nanoimprint lithography and printed electronics as well as key processes for MEMS and LED manufacturing. With a global infrastructure for applications and service SUSS supports more than 8,000 installed systems worldwide. SUSS is headquartered in Garching near Munich, Germany. The shares of SUSS MicroTec SE are traded in the Prime Standard of the German Stock Exchange (ISIN DE000A10K0235). For more information, please visit
About the LP50
The LP50 inkjet printer is the most versatile desktop platform for functional printing applications, leveraging PiXDRO technology. The SUSS flagship desktop printer is an open, accurate and easy-to-use system, designed for research and development of inkjet processes and applications, as well as the evaluation and development of inkjet materials.
Author profile
Dragusin Puiu
Marketing Coordinator, Epson Romania
Despre Epson
Epson este un lider global în tehnologie, dedicat conectării oamenilor, lucrurilor şi informaţiilor, prin intermediul tehnologiilor sale originale eficiente, compacte şi precise. Având o gamă de produse care cuprinde de la imprimante cu jet de cerneală şi sisteme de imprimare digitală până la proiectoare 3LCD, ceasuri şi roboţi industriali, compania se concentrează asupra stimulării inovaţiilor şi depăşirii aşteptărilor clienţilor în ceea ce priveşte imprimantele cu jet de cerneală, comunicarea vizuală, echipamentele portabile şi robotica.
Condus de Seiko Epson Corporation din Japonia, Grupul Epson are peste 81.000 de angajaţi în 85 de companii din întreaga lume şi se mândreşte cu contribuţiile aduse comunităţilor în care îşi desfăşoară activitatea şi cu eforturile permanente de a reduce impactul asupra mediului.