Epson consolidated results for year ended 31st March, 2014

Revised company strategy focusing on core technology areas paying dividends:
- Net sales increased by 17.9%, passing the 1,000 billion yen mark for the first time since fiscal year 2008
- Operating income quadrupled, up 299.8%
- Exchange rates had positive impact, but increases in net sales and income surpass these
Strategically realigned product mix, adopting new business models in existing business segments:
- Information-related equipment segment recorded particularly strong year-on-year increases in net sales and income
- Increased printer profitability achieved through improved model mix and higher average selling prices
- Sales of consumables on an upward trend
- Sharp unit shipment growth was achieved in emerging markets through expansion and upgrade of high-capacity ink tank model line-up
- Launched commercial printers in areas such as signage and textile printing
- Strong projector performance with increased net sales and operating income achieved through increased unit volume in all regions
- Devices and precision products delivered net sales increase boosted by high volume sales of microdevices
Consolidated Financial Highlights
Income statements and cash flows data (Millions of yen, thousands of U.S. dollars, except for per share data)
Balance sheets data (Millions of yen, thousands of U.S. dollars, except for per share data)
Cash dividends per share data (Yen, U.S. dollars)
- The consolidated figures are prepared on the basis of accounting principles generally accepted in Japan, which are different in certain respects as to application and disclosure requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards, and are compiled from the consolidated figures prepared by the Company as required by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law of Japan.
- Figures in ‘Change’ column are comparisons with the same period of the previous year.
- Diluted net income per share is presented only if there are dilutive factors present.
- Shareholders’ equity is equity excluding minority interest in subsidiaries.
- Cash dividend per share (year-end) for the year ended March 31, 2014, is subject to approval at the general shareholders’ meeting.
- U.S. dollar amounts are included solely for the convenience of readers. These translations should not be construed as representations that the yen amounts actually represent, or have been or could be converted into U.S. dollars at that or any other rate. The rate of 102.92 = U.S.$1 as of March 31, 2014, has been used for the purpose of presentation.
About Epson
Epson is a global innovation leader dedicated to exceeding expectations with solutions for markets as diverse as the office, home, commerce and industry. Epson’s lineup ranges from inkjet printers, printing systems and 3LCD projectors to industrial robots, smart glasses and sensing systems and is based on original compact, energy-saving, and high-precision technologies.
Led by the Japan-based Seiko Epson Corporation, the Epson Group comprises more than 73,000 employees in 94 companies around the world, and is proud of its ongoing contributions to the global environment and the communities in which it operates.
Solfrid Liland
Marketing Services Specialist, Epson Norway
Om Epson
Epson er en global teknologileder dedikert til å koble sammen folk, gjenstander og informasjon med originale, effektive, kompakte og presise teknologier. Med et produktutvalg som omfatter alt fra blekkskrivere og digitale utskriftssystemer til 3LCD-projektorer, klokker og industriroboter, er selskapet fokusert på å drive frem innovasjoner og overgå kundenes forventninger innen blekkteknologi, visuell kommunikasjon, teknologi du kan ha på deg, og robotikk.
Epson-konsernet, som eies av det japanske selskapet Seiko Epson Corporation, har over 81 000 ansatte fordelt på 85 selskaper rundt om i verden og er en stolt stolt av bidraget til samfunnene hvor det driver virksomhet og arbeidet med å redusere miljøpåvirkningen.