Epson Supports Android KitKat Native Printing for Easy Mobile Printing Anywhere, Anytime

May, 2014 - Committed to driving simple wireless printing anywhere, anytime, Epson today announced support for Android Printing, the native printing platform introduced in AndroidTM*1 KitKat (version 4.4). With Android Printing, mobile users can effortlessly print documents, photos, web pages and emails – without the need for a dedicated printing app. Over 100 new and legacy Epson-Connect enabled printers and all-in-ones now offer built-in printing support for the latest AndroidTM smartphones and tablets from manufacturers including Google®, HTC® and Samsung®.

“Epson is proud to support the new built-in Android Printing feature introduced in KitKat,” said Kevin Toes, Epson Europe. “It’s a major leap forward for Android users and developers alike. Now, KitKat devices will be able to easily print to new and legacy Epson printers from both pre-installed Google apps as well as new apps currently under development. This means a new generation of Android users will realise the benefit of mobile printing with just a few taps.”

Android Printing enables Android device users to print seamlessly without the need for a specific printing app. Users can discover available printers, change paper sizes, choose specific pages to print, and print almost any kind of document, image or file.  Following a download of the free Epson Print Enabler, users can easily print emails, photos, web content or important business documents to any compatible Epson printer model, as well as access and support a current range of print-enabled Google Play apps, including ChromeTM, DriveTM, GalleryTM, GmailTM, PhotosTM and QuickofficeTM.

More about Epson mobile printing solutions

Epson Connect mobile printing solutions makes it easier and more powerful than ever for users to print documents, photos, emails and web pages from anywhere in the world using an Epson Connect-enabled printer and a tablet, smartphone or computer.*1 In addition, Epson is a member of the Mopria Alliance, further underscoring its ongoing dedication to advancing mobile printing standards that allow users to easily and conveniently print regardless of brand, device or operating system.

Please visit your local Epson website to check the product compatibility and for details of printers and other Epson products in your region.

Check here for more info about Epson Connect:


*1 Android, Gmail, Google Chrome, Google Drive, Google Gallery and Quickoffice are trademarks of Google Inc. All other product and brand names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Epson disclaims any and all rights in these marks.

*2 Most features require an Internet connection to the printer, as well as an Internet- and/or email-enabled device.


About Epson

Epson is a global innovation leader dedicated to exceeding expectations with solutions for markets as diverse as the office, home, commerce and industry. Epson’s lineup ranges from inkjet printers, printing systems and 3LCD projectors to industrial robots, smart glasses and sensing systems and is based on original compact, energy-saving, and high-precision technologies.

Led by the Japan-based Seiko Epson Corporation, the Epson Group comprises more than 73,000 employees in 94 companies around the world, and is proud of its ongoing contributions to the global environment and the communities in which it operates.


Solfrid Liland

Marketing Services Specialist, Epson Norway

Om Epson

Epson er en global teknologileder dedikert til å koble sammen folk, gjenstander og informasjon med originale, effektive, kompakte og presise teknologier. Med et produktutvalg som omfatter alt fra blekkskrivere og digitale utskriftssystemer til 3LCD-projektorer, klokker og industriroboter, er selskapet fokusert på å drive frem innovasjoner og overgå kundenes forventninger innen blekkteknologi, visuell kommunikasjon, teknologi du kan ha på deg, og robotikk.

Epson-konsernet, som eies av det japanske selskapet Seiko Epson Corporation, har over 81 000 ansatte fordelt på 85 selskaper rundt om i verden og er en stolt stolt av bidraget til samfunnene hvor det driver virksomhet og arbeidet med å redusere miljøpåvirkningen.

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