Epson SureColor P5000 Wins Best Photo Printer in Prestigious TIPA Awards

- TOKYO, Japan, April 19, 2017 - Editors and journalists from photography magazines around the world have recognized an Epson product in the prestigious TIPA Awards 2017. The winning Epson product this year was the Epson SureColor P5000*, which was named “Best Photo Printer.”
TIPA - the Technical Image Press Association - bases its judgment on the innovation, the use of leading-edge technology, design and ergonomics, ease-of-use and price-to-performance ratio of products in each award category launched over a 12-month period. This year’s awards were selected by representatives from 27 professional, amateur, and business magazines from Asia, Australia, Europe and North and South America, with a delegate from the Camera Journal Press Club in Japan.
TIPA is one of the largest and most influential photographic and imaging press associations in the world. Winning the 2017 award means that Epson has now received a total of 38 awards from TIPA for technologies and imaging products, including inkjet printers, inks, scanners and projectors, since 1997. An awards ceremony will take place in Tokyo, Japan, on June 16, 2017.
The award-winning product received the following citation from TIPA:
Epson SureColor P5000
“The 17-inch SC-P5000 is a desktop proofing, photography and fine art printer that offers a 10-colour ink set, a PrecisionCore TFP printhead and Epson Precision Dot technology. The printer exclusively uses 200ml UltraChrome HDX ink cartridges that deliver an enhanced colour gamut and higher density blacks, with improved print permanence compared to previous models.
“The printer offers improved dust and static control, which means reduced maintenance requirements and greater durability. The PrecisionCore printhead has 360 nozzles per colour for faster printing speeds with variable size droplets as small as 3.5 picolitres, while a 2.7-inch full colour LCD panel makes setup and operation accessible and straightforward.”
Please refer to your local Epson site for details of the Epson SureColor P5000 and other Epson products.
*Note that product names and availability vary by region.
About Epson
Epson is a global technology leader dedicated to connecting people, things and information with its original efficient, compact and precision technologies. With a lineup that ranges from inkjet printers and digital printing systems to 3LCD projectors, smart glasses, sensing systems and industrial robots, the company is focused on driving innovations and exceeding customer expectations in inkjet, visual communications, wearables and robotics.
Led by the Japan-based Seiko Epson Corporation, the Epson Group comprises more than 73,000 employees in 91 companies around the world, and is proud of its contributions to the communities in which it operates and its ongoing efforts to reduce environmental impacts.
Author profile
Robert Gelo
Svetovalec za komunikacijski management in promocijo Epson Italia S.p.A.
O tvrtki Epson
Tvrtka Epson vodeća je u svijetu u području tehnologije posvećena povezivanju ljudi, stvari i informacija putem svojih originalnih, učinkovitih, kompaktnih i preciznih tehnologija. Nudeći širok asortiman proizvoda, od tintnih pisača i digitalnih sustava za ispis do 3LCD projektora, satova i industrijskih robota, tvrtka je usmjerena na poticanje inovacija i premašivanje očekivanja klijenata u području tintnog ispisa, vizualnih komunikacija, opreme i robotike.
Pod vodstvom tvrtke Seiko Epson Corporation sa sjedištem u Japanu, grupacija Epson zapošljava više od 81.000 djelatnika u 85 tvrtki diljem svijeta i ponosi se svojim doprinosima zajednicama u kojima djeluje i ulaganjem stalnih napora u smanjenje negativnog utjecaja na okoliš.