Epsonille monen miljoonan euron projektorisopimus AED:n kanssa
27. lokakuuta 2016 – Epson on ilmoittanut solmineensa monen miljoonan euron sopimuksen AED:n kanssa. He aikovat toimittaa yli 130 laserprojektoria, mukaan lukien 70 kappaletta uutta EB-L1505U:ta, joka on yksi markkinoiden kirkkaimmista 3LCD-projektoreista.
Tiedote englanniksi:
Epson awarded multi-million euro projector contract by AED
27th October 2016 – Epson, the world's leading projector manufacturer, has announced a multi-million euro agreement with AED, the leading projector installation rental and sales distribution business in the Benelux, to supply over 130 laser projectors, including 70 units of the new EB-L1505U, one of the brightest 3LCD projectors on the market.
Thierry Heldenbergh, managing director, AED Display, commented: “AED has always been associated with market leading technology, we chose Epson because they met and even exceeded our very demanding standards for durable, versatile and truly bright projectors that provide excellence in colour and picture performance. As the leading rental and sales distribution business in the Benelux, we value the significant investment Epson has made in its new laser installation projection range allowing us to offer the outstanding quality our customers rightly demand from us.”
Neil Colquhoun, executive director of professional displays, Epson Europe, added: “I’m delighted to announce this exciting partnership with AED. Epson has already enjoyed tremendous growth following the launch of our new installation range that offers our superior 3LCD inorganic optical technology. This agreement with AED adds an excellent partner with a wealth of experience in both installation projection rental and sales giving both our businesses an opportunity to grow further.
The EB-L1505 is not only one of the brightest 3LCD laser projectors on the market, second only to Epson’s EB-L25000[1], it is also smaller and lighter than competing products[2]. With 360 degree rotation it offers highly flexible mounting with a sealed optical unit and inorganic phosphor wheel that provides 20,000 hours of reliable, maintenance-free use[3], enabling it to handle the most demanding environments such as concert halls and theatres.
Epson is the world's leading projector manufacturer and has maintained its position as the world's number one supplier of projectors for 15 successive years[4]. Its 3LCD projectors have achieved cumulative global sales of 20 million units. Epson’s latest range of 3LCD projectors include the brightest ever 25,000-lumen[5] 3LCD projector, and the company is the first projector manufacturer to produce inorganic 3LCD panels with a laser light source.
The advantages of Epson's 3LCD laser projectors include:
Image quality
With a highly efficient light source, Epson's 3LCD laser projectors are well suited for large venues such as auditoriums and concert halls. Using Epson's proprietary 3LCD technology, the new projectors are capable of reproducing spectacular images with outstanding levels of colour brightness.
Epson's original LCD panels and phosphor wheel are made of inorganic material with superior light and heat resistance. Combining these in a laser projector results in bright, vibrant images for extremely long periods, and 20,000 hours of maintenance-free use.
Epson's lineup of 3LCD laser projectors is designed for every venue and application. Rotating 360 degrees, a large range of lenses ensures that these projectors can be installed in a wide variety of locations for projection mapping, signage and a host of other applications.
[1]Some short-throw and ultra-long-throw lenses will not produce 25,000lm.
[2] As of September 2016, the 12,000Lm model is over 18% smaller and 8% lighter than competitor products. The EB-L1505U / EB-L1500U dimensions (W586 x D467 x H185) and weight (22kg), compared to Panasonic PT-DZ13K (W530 x D548.5 x H200 ) and weight (24kg), make it the smallest and lightest 12,000lm projector on the market.
[3] Approximate time until brightness decreases 50% from first usage. Measured by acceleration test assuming use of 0.04 - 0.20 mg/m3 of particulate matter. Time varies depending on usage conditions and environments.
[4]Largest unit share of the market for 500-lumen and higher projectors. (Source: Futuresource Consulting Limited, 2001-2015)
[5]As of September 2016
Tietoja Epsonista
Epson on kansainvälinen innovaatioiden edelläkävijä, jonka tarjoamien tuotteiden valikoima ulottuu mustesuihkutulostimista ja -tulostusjärjestelmistä, 3LCD-projektoreista sekä teollisuusroboteista tunnistimiin ja muihin mikrolaitteisiin. Epsonin tavoitteena on ylittää asiakkaidensa odotukset luomalla pienikokoisia ja energiaa säästäviä tarkkuuslaitteita niin yritysten, kotikäyttäjien, kaupallisten toimijoiden kuin teollisuudenkin käyttöön.
Japanissa sijaitsevan Seiko Epson Corporationin johtama Epson-konserni koostuu eri puolilla maailmaa sijaitsevista 94 yrityksestä, joissa työskentelee yli 73 000 työntekijää. Epsonilla ollaan ylpeitä yrityksen jatkuvasta panostuksesta ympäristönsuojeluun ja paikallisiin yhteisöihin.
Tietoja Epson Europesta
Amsterdamissa sijaitseva Epson Europe B.V. on konsernin Euroopan, Lähi-idän, Venäjän ja Afrikan toimintojen päämaja. Epson Europe työllistää 1 700 henkilöä ja sen myynti tilivuonna 2013 oli 1 517 miljoonaa euroa
Ympäristövisio 2050
Riina Lyly-Yrjänäinen
Marketing Services Specialist, Epson Finland
Tietoja Epsonista
Epson on maailmanlaajuinen teknologiajohtaja, jonka tavoitteena on olla yhteiskunnalle merkityksellinen yritys, joka yhdistää ihmiset, asiat ja tiedot tehokkaiden, kompaktien ja tarkkojen teknologioiden avulla. Yritys on sitoutunut edistämään innovaatiota ja ylittämään asiakkaiden odotukset mustesuihkutulostuksen, visuaalisen viestinnän, puettavan tekniikan ja robotiikan alueilla. Epson on ylpeä yrityksen jatkuvista panostuksista kestävän yhteiskunnan toteuttamiseen ja YK:n kestävän kehityksen tavoitteiden toteuttamiseen.
Japanilaisen Seiko Epson Corporationin johtaman maailmanlaajuisen Epson-konsernin vuosittainen myynti on yli 1 biljoonaa jeniä.