Students develop apps for Moverio BT-200

During the autumn of 2014, Epson and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden started a joint project to support the continued development of a group of engineering students. The project was founded on the provision of Epson’s BT-200 smart glasses and encouraged the development of applications for use on it.
KTH Royal Institute of TechnologyDuring the autumn of 2014, Epson and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden started a joint project to support the continued development of a group of engineering students. The project was founded on the provision of Epson’s BT-200 smart glasses and encouraged the development of applications for use on it.
"The goal was to give these students the tools they needed to explore development areas they already cared about, as well as encourage exploration of areas they had not yet considered. Together with Epson, we have succeeded in provided them with the hardware, software and knowledge to support a better understanding of the opportunities made available through new technology." Mario Romero, Associate Professor at KTH
During the four week course, Advanced Graphics and Interaction (AGI) students were asked to develop fully functional applications as part of the process of learning about animation, rendering, 3D interaction and multimodal interfaces. Epson also invited Markus Eder from Wiktiude to lecture on Augmented Reality and provide thoughts on how the students could leverage the technology as part of their app developments for the smart glasses.
"The collaboration was a unique opportunity for us to work alongside engineering students from one of the world’s most prestigious technology universities. Combining the Moverio BT-200 platform with some of the best engineering students and their ideas was a really strong synergy." Vadim Couthon, National Sales Manager at Epson Sweden.
On December 5th, over 300 curious visitors gathered in the visualisation studio at KTH in Stockholm to see and try the students’ applications. All were impressed with the applications demonstrated, primerily focusing on gaming, which displayed a varity of gameplays and graphical successses.
"It has been an exciting journey to work with the students and we’re really impressed by what they managed to develop in such a short time frame. KTH is a university at the forefront of engineering innovation and we hope to continue this collaboration, ideally seeing further solutions emerging from them in the future." Vadim Couthon.
"This is an excellent example of how collaborations can work between the academic world and technology companies. In this way, we are able to give students access to the latest technologies so that they can learn what’s possible and contribute to the development of future products and services." Björn Thuresson, Director of the Visualization Studio at KTH.
About KTH Royal Institute of Technology
KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm is the largest and oldest technical university in Sweden. Over one-third of Sweden’s technical research and engineering education at university level is provided by KTH. Education and research spans from natural sciences to all branches of engineering and includes Architecture, Industrial Management and Urban Planning. For more information, click here.
About Wikitude
Wikitude is the renowned pioneer of mobile augmented reality (AR) technology and the company behind a number of award winning AR solutions for smartphones, tablets and wearable display technologies. Its fully in-house developed AR solution is available in the Wikitude AR SDK and Wikitude Studio, and enables thousands of apps, brands, agencies, developers and AR enthusiasts to achieve their project goals. Wikitude is the globally leadning AR technology platform. For more information, click here.
About Epson
Epson is a global innovation leader dedicated to exceeding expectations with solutions for markets as diverse as the office, home, commerce and industry. Epson’s lineup ranges from inkjet printers, printing systems and 3LCD projectors to industrial robots, smart glasses and sensing systems and is based on original compact, energy-saving, and high-precision technologies. For more information, click here.
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Key facts
- Epson and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden started a joint project to support the continued development of a group of engineering students Over 300 curious visitors gathered in the visualisation studio at KTH to see and try the students’ applications developed for BT-200 MARio, invadAR and duelAR were the applications developed