Eco-sustainability and IT purchasing

By The Epson Blog Team

Nine out of ten IT professionals stress the importance of eco-sustainability when making purchasing decisions


A recent survey of European IT professionals shows that eco-sustainability is an important consideration in making IT purchasing decisions.

The survey, carried out by Epson at CeBIT 2016 – Europe’s largest annual technology industry event – highlighted a growing number of smart businesses that are already making the switch to greener IT equipment fleets to future proof their workplaces.

89% of those questioned said that environmental considerations have become more important, or have maintained their importance, over the past three years. And 51% of respondents said environmental considerations play a substantial role in the decision to upgrade their workplace technology.


Pushing towards a more sustainable workplace

On 18 April 2016, the European Commission’s New Public Procurement Directives came into effect. Under these new rules, any public procurement award procedure must be covered by a specific report from the public purchaser, explaining the decisions related to the procedure.

The new directives result in increased accountability when it comes to technology purchases – with external stakeholders now able to check whether public procurement is choosing the most environmentally friendly options.

These new rules are the latest example of the EU’s push towards a more sustainable workplace. With COP21 and the EU’s plans to develop a low carbon economy by 2050, the environmental impact of IT in businesses will be increasingly scrutinised.


Achieving – and exceeding – the requirements

Epson’s compact, efficient, precision technologies are designed to reduce environmental impact – helping customers to meet the increasingly stringent targets and legislation.

Specifically in the context of the scrutiny of the environmental impact of IT in businesses, the inkjet printer market is growing significantly. In fact, inkjet printers will account for 34% of the total business printer market by 2019, according to IDC research.

By making the switch from laser printers to Epson’s WorkForce Pro inkjet printers, businesses can achieve 96% energy savings, 92% CO2 emissions reduction, and 95% less waste when compared to similar laser printers1 – which means it’s definitely worth finding out more.


iAs tested by BLI, over two months to April 2015, against a selection of competing machines, as commissioned by Epson. Energy consumption calculated in wH for five minutes printing, compared to laser printers and copiers. For more information visit

About Epson

Epson is a global technology leader dedicated to co-creating sustainability and enriching communities by leveraging its efficient, compact, and precision technologies and digital technologies to connect people, things, and information. The company is focused on solving societal issues through innovations in home and office printing, commercial and industrial printing, manufacturing, visual and lifestyle. Epson will become carbon negative and eliminate use of exhaustible underground resources such as oil and metal by 2050.

Led by the Japan-based Seiko Epson Corporation, the worldwide Epson Group generates annual sales of around JPY 1 trillion.

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