Epson Adds 48-pin QFN Package to S2R72A4 Series of Hub Controller ICs for Automotive Applications

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Munich, 25 June 2013 - Seiko Epson Corporation (TSE: 6724, “Epson”) has begun shipping a new addition to its S2R72A4 series USB hub controller ICs for automotive applications. The series, which is engineered to operate in an industry-leading [1] temperature range from -40 to 105 degrees Celsius, now includes a 48-pin QFN package with a 40% smaller footprint and height [2].
The convenience of USB ports is making them a popular choice for automotive equipment such as car navigation systems. Epson's USB hub controllers for automotive applications, which the company first announced in 2009, meet the rigorous quality required by the automotive industry. They also provide best-in-class [3] transmission performance, achieving stable communications even with USB cables measuring five meters or longer. The ability to maintain stable, reliable communications over a long USB cable connecting a car navigation system in the front of a vehicle, for example, and a monitor or audio system in the rear has been a major selling point, and Epson's USB hub controllers are widely used by automotive electronics manufacturers.
Automotive electronics systems continue to proliferate, making it necessary for component suppliers to scale down the footprint and height of board-mounted components in order to conserve space. The tiny packages used for the S2R72A4 series were designed with this in mind. The 48-pin QFN package (7 mm x 7 mm) has an approximately 40% smaller footprint than that of Epson's 48-pin QFP package (9 mm x 9 mm). It is also only about 40% as high (1.0 mm compared to 1.7 mm).
[1] As of the end of June 2013, according to Epson research
[2] Compared to Epson’s 48-pin QFP packages (S2R72A42F12, S2R72A43F12, S2R72A44F12).
[3] Best-in-class as of the end of June 2013, according to tests conducted by Epson, which evaluated transmission errors in various lengths of USB cables connected to a USB hub controller
Features of Epson's S2R72A4 series of USB hub controller ICs for automotive applications
- Wide operating temperature range
-40 to 105 degrees Celsius - Automotive quality
• High reliability achieved by practicing a variety of quality control methods
Design methodologies: FMEA, DFT, DFM, EMC, etc.
Process control: FMEA, SPC, traceability based on special part numbers, etc.
Testing/screening: All are burn-In.
• The 48-pin QFP packages (S2R72A42F12, S2R72A43F12, S2R72A44F12) are currently being tested for qualification under the automotive industry standard AEC-Q100.
- Stable communications even with long USB cables
The ability to use long cables provides manufacturers of automotive electronics with greater design freedom and reduces development time. - Small package
48-pin QFN (S2R72A42F07, S2R72A43F07, S2R72A44F07): 7 mm x 7 mm
48-pin QFP (S2R72A42F12, S2R72A43F12, S2R72A44F12): 9 mm x 9 mm (including leads) - Multi-port support
Upstream port x 1
Downstream port x 4 (high-speed port x 2, full-speed port x 2) - Supports the locking in of USB full-speed mode
• The upstream port is locked in USB full-speed mode and can be used as a USB
full-speed hub (USB high-speed non-supported hub).
• Can be locked in to USB full-speed even if the destination host supports USB
high-speed, which is effective in improving EMI/EMC performance and reducing
power consumption
- Low-voltage operation
LVDD: 1.8 V (internal) HVDD: 3.3 V (USB unit)
For further details on Epson's USB hub controllers, please see the link below:
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Epson is a global innovation leader whose product lineup ranges from inkjet printers and printing systems, 3LCD projectors and industrial robots to sensors and other microdevices. Dedicated to exceeding the vision of its customers worldwide, Epson delivers customer value based on compact, energy-saving, and high-precision technologies in markets spanning enterprise and the home to commerce and industry.
Led by the Japan-based Seiko Epson Corporation, the Epson Group comprises more than 68,000 employees in 96 companies around the world, and is proud of its ongoing contributions to the global environment and the communities in which it operates.
About Epson Europe Electronics GmbH
Epson Europe Electronics GmbH is a marketing, engineering and sales company and the European Headquarters for electronic devices of the Seiko Epson Corporation, Japan. Headquartered in Munich/Germany since 1989 with 60 employees, Epson Europe Electronics GmbH has several European sales representatives and has a European-wide network of distributors. Epson Europe Electronics provides value added services for semiconductors and quartz devices targeted to the mobile communication, automotive and home visual market. Epson products are recognised for energy saving, low power, small form factors and rapid time to market. Information about Epson Europe Electronics GmbH is available on the Internet under
Epson liefert 48-pin QFN-Versionen der S2R72A4 Automotive Hub Controller Familie mit 40% geringerer Baugröße
München, 25. Juni 2013 - Seiko Epson Corporation (TSE: 6724, “Epson”) beginnt mit der Auslieferung neuer Gehäusevarianten der S2R72A4 Familie des USB Hubcontroller, welcher speziell für Automotive-Anwendungen entwickelt wurde. Die für den in der Industrie weitesten [1] Betriebstemperaturbereich von -40 to 105 Grad Celsius entwickelte Produktfamilie wird ab sofort auch im 48-pin QFN Package mit einer 40% geringeren Baugröße angeboten [2].
Angesichts einer zunehmenden Beliebtheit von USB-Anschlüssen in Fahrzeugen, hatte Epson bereits 2009 erste USB-Hubcontroller, die den strikten Qualitätsanforderungen für den Automotive-Einsatz genügen und mittlerweile von vielen Herstellern von Automobilelektronik eingesetzt werden, angekündigt. Diese erreichen höchste Übertragungsraten bei einer stabilen Kommunikation, auch mit USB-Kabeln mit einer Länge von mehr als die im USB-Standard definierten 5m. Die auch bei größeren Distanzen erreichbare zuverlässige Übertragung ermöglicht den Einsatz der S2R72A4 Familie in Systemen mit einer Head-Unit im vorderen Fahrzeugbereich und einem Monitor oder einem Audiosystem im Rücksitzbereich.
Aufgrund des zunehmenden Trends zur Platzersparnis wurde für die neue Version der USB-Hubcontroller ein 48-pin QFN Package (7 mm x 7 mm) mit einer 40% Ersparnis sowohl im Flächenbedarf als auch in der Einbauhöhe ausgewählt, verglichen mit des bisherigen 48-pin QFP Gehäuse (9 mm x 9 mm)-Version der S2R72A4-Serie.
[1] Stand Ende Juni 2013, nach Untersuchung durch Epson
[2] Im Vergleich zu Epson’s 48-pin QFP Package (S2R72A42F12, S2R72A43F12, S2R72A44F12).
Weitere Informationen über die Epson USB Hubcontroller sind dem folgenden Link zu entnehmen.
Kurzinformation über Epson
Epson ist ein weltweit führender Hersteller von Tintenstrahldruckern und Drucksystemen, 3LCD-Projektoren, Industrierobotern, Sensoren und anderen Mikrosystemen. Mit einer innovativen und kreativen Unternehmenskultur möchte Epson mit Produkten von überragender Qualität, Funktionalität, Kompaktheit und Energieeffizienz die Visionen und Erwartungen seiner Kunden auf der ganzen Welt übertreffen. Epson verfügt über ein Netzwerk aus über 68,000 Mitarbeitern in 96 Gesellschaften weltweit und ist stolz auf seine ständigen Leistungen für den weltweiten Umweltschutz und die Gemeinschaften, in denen das Unternehmen Standorte unterhält.
Kurzinformation über Epson Europe Electronics GmbH
Epson Europe Electronics GmbH ist eine Marketing-, Engineering- und Vertriebsgesellschaft der Seiko Epson Corporation, Japan.
Seit der Firmengründung 1989 ist der Hauptsitz in München. Epson Europe Electronics GmbH hat ca. 60 Mitarbeiter, die den Vertrieb von Epson- Produkten unterstützen.
Epson Europe Electronics GmbH vertreibt Produkte in Europa, Mittlerer Osten und Afrika und bietet "value added” Service für Halbleiter und Quarz-Bauteile in den Märkten Mobile Communication, Automotive und Home Visual. Epson Produkte sind bekannt für ”energy saving”, ”low power”, kleinste Baugrößen und einer kurzen Entwicklungs- und Produktionszeit.
Informationen zu Epson Europe Electronics GmbH können im Internet unter abgerufen werden.
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Epson is a global technology leader dedicated to co-creating sustainability and enriching communities by leveraging its efficient, compact, and precision technologies and digital technologies to connect people, things, and information. The company is focused on solving societal issues through innovations in home and office printing, commercial and industrial printing, manufacturing, visual and lifestyle. Epson will become carbon negative and eliminate use of exhaustible underground resources such as oil and metal by 2050.
Led by the Japan-based Seiko Epson Corporation, the worldwide Epson Group generates annual sales of around JPY 1 trillion.