Představujeme médium Epson Fine Art Cotton

David Brenot, světoznámý, oceňovaný svatební fotograf a ambasador společnosti Epson, vysvětluje, proč na tisk svých úchvatných fotek používá papír Epson Fine Art Cotton. Papír Fine Art Cotton s luxusním vzhledem je dostupný v odstínu Bright nebo Natural. Na výběr je s hladkým nebo strukturovaným povrchem.

Filmed on location in a picturesque French winery and in his studio, see this renowned photographer at work

With a rich history in digital fine art printing, Epson understands what it takes to produce exceptional Fine Art papers. With a luxurious look and feel, the Fine Art Cotton papers are available in Bright or Natural with a choice of a smooth or textured surface. Perfect for professional photographers and fine artists to give optium results when used with Epson printers and inks. 


French photographer David Brenot specialises in wedding photography because he enjoys creating memories and emotions. Wedding photography is a way of telling a story through a vision, creativity and having inspiration. He looks for the best print quality that will display the vision from his head onto paper in the best possible way. By using Epson's fine art cotton papers (smooth and textured) allows David to choose which type will best suit his photographs. 

Informace o článku

#art, #photography, Brenot, bright, David, David Brenot, DIGI, digigraphie, Epson, Fine Art, fine art cotton, Fine Art Cotton Paper, fine art media, french, french photographer, Large Format Printer, LFP, media, memories, moments, natural, Photo, photographer, smooth, studio, textured, Ultrasmooth, wedding

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Související tisková prohlášení

EBARA Europe zvolila Epson a snížila dopad na životní prostředí
Kunsthalle Praha vystavila umění Lunchmeat Studia pomocí projektorů Epson
Konferenční místnost Dr. Maxe vylepšily projektory Epson